An Exciting Year for Disney!

Hey friends!

So during the Superbowl, we were lucky enough to get a  new trailer for the upcoming live action Jungle Book movie, and also a TV spot for Captain America: Civil War. Both of which were crazy awesome! And it got me thinking how much of a great year this is going to be for Disney! Not just that I’ll be working for them this summer… Here are a few that I’m really looking forward to below!
I keep forgetting that Deadpool is not Disney…dammit Marvel can be confusing sometimes…

All release dates are specific to the UK, unless there isn’t one, because if you didn’t know already, that is the country I live in.

Zootopia – 25th March


Apparently this is going to be renamed Zootropolis for the UK. Nowhere else, just the UK. But why?!!??!!? There’s really no point. When I first saw the title of this movie I was pretty intrigued, and the first teaser trailer even moreso as it didn’t suggest much about the plot besides the world it would take place in – in short, a world where animals are like people. They wear clothes, have jobs, transportation. A human civilisation populated by animals pretty much. Then the second trailer was released, the scene with the sloths, and instantly I was sold. It didn’t give away much of the plot but I loved the characters introduced! We finally got the third trailer which showed even more about the movie, and now I just can’t wait! Ginnifer Goodwin, aka Once Upon a Time’s Snow White, voices Judy Hopp, the first Bunny cop in Zootopia trying to prove herself. It’s annoying we get it over three weeks later than the USA, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.

Check out the third trailer below:

The Jungle Book – April 15th


I’m so excited about this! It seems Disney are having a big “make animated classics into live action movies” phase, what with Alice in Wonderland, Maleficent and Cinderella, this and also Beauty and the Beast to come, and all the ones I’ve seen so far haven’t disappointed. Spoiler alert, I’ll actually be talking about 2015 Cinderella along with the original animation on Film Friday!

I don’t think I actually knew this one was happening until the first trailer was released. This has a pretty star studded cast, including Bill Murray as Baloo, Idris Elba as Shere Khan, Scarlett Johansson and Christopher Walken as King Louie to name a few! The new trailer was released at the Superbowl, and it looks visually beautiful. Neel Sethi looks like he’ll make a great Mowgli, and he looks just like him from the original animation! I loved that Bear Necessities played in the trailer, it made it so reminiscent of the animated movie. Definitely excited to see this one!

Finding Dory – June 17th


I’m not 100% sure if this is the release date for the UK as well, whenever I searched for the UK release, google would only give me the release date of Finding Nemo. Thanks, Google!

The long, long awaited sequel of Finding Nemo is nearly upon us! It seems like forever ago we were told that Finding Dory was a thing. I’m not sure who’s more excited, us fans, or Ellen DeGeneres herself. It seems that Dory has remembered that her family is still out there, and so is going on a mission to find them. So then, rather than the literal title of “Finding Nemo”, in which Marlin really did have to find his lost son, does “Finding Dory” mean in a more figurative sense, in that by finding her family she finds herself? Or is it just a play on the first title? Probably the latter.

What I’m super excited about this movie is that I’m going to be in Disneyworld when it is released! I get to see this movie while I’m working on the Disney program! Argh!

View the trailer here:

The BFG – July 1st (USA)


Again, no word on the UK release date but it should be around the US date.

This is another I didn’t know was happening until the poster was first released. Having been raised by a mother who not only loves children’s literature, but especially Roald Dahl, I love Dahl’s work. We live not too far from both the Roald Dahl Museums in Aylesbury and Great Missenden, and we’ve also been to his house on open days. I’ve read the majority of his books and we used to go to Roald Dahl day every year! So this movie is so exciting for me, and is another that I’ll be out in Florida when it’s released!

View the teaser here:

Moana – November 23rd (UK date TBC)


This is probably the movie I’m most excited about! I’m so excited for a new Disney Princess and even moreso the fact that she will be the first Polynesian princess! It’s so great that we are getting a diverse set of princesses and I hope this continues! I also really hope this gets the hype that Frozen had – however much I love that movie, it’s time to move onto other things. It still annoys me about the lack of Big Hero 6 merchandise compared to Frozen.

There isn’t much detail about the movie itself, however there is this adorable video in which we meet lovely Auli’i Cravalho, the 14-year-old Native Hawaiian girl who is voicing Moana, and the moment she’s told she got the role! She is super cute, and I really can’t wait to see her playing what is looking to be an awesome new character!

Did I mention that The Rock is also part of this movie?! Here’s the sneak peek we got in the new year:

These movies I’ve talked about certainly aren’t the only ones Disney are releasing this year! We’re getting Captain America: Civil War, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Doctor Strange and more, there’s a lot to be excited about this year, not to mention the years to come! Hint hint, The Incredibles FINALLY getting a sequel!!

Which Disney movies are you most looking forward to? Let me know in the comments!

Have a great day, folks,

Your Pal, Mini Moose ❤

Pixar Shorts: Ranked from Least to Most Favourites! Part ONE


download (2)Hello my loves,

I don’t know about you, but when I go to the cinema to see a Pixar movie, I’m pretty much equally excited for the short we get before the movie as I do for the actual movie. Ever since A Bugs Life, Pixar has included a short film, usually around five minutes, before the feature presentation. They’re very simple stories, some are just a song with animation, but they’re always magical in their own way. Ever since Monsters, Inc., Pixar have also included feature-related short films on the DVDs of their movies which add to the world they have so successfully created. So now, I’m going to rank every single Pixar short – The Originals and the Feature-Related Shorts, I mean, from my least to most favourite. I love them all, but thought it would be fun to rank them! I realise now that my banner says most to least favourites. I mean the opposite. Apologies.

Here are Numbers 27-14! My top 13 will be in another post so this post doesn’t get too long.

This post contains spoilers for ALL Pixar shorts! You have been warned!

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My post-Disney Program Travel Plans!

Hey everyone!

So I can FINALLY say where I’ll be going after I finish the Disney Cultural Exchange Program. I just needed to wait until my passport was renewed, because I needed my new passport in order to apply for entry somewhere…all shall be revealed in time, my friends. I just wanted to ensure everything was booked and confirmed so I didn’t get all excited and tell everyone where I was going…only for plans to fall through. That would suck.

I’m now all booked, all my flights and all my hotels, except the hotel I’ll be sharing with three other program participants when I arrive in Florida as we’re arriving a day before we need to check in. I decided to do this for peace of mind, really, just to ensure I was there on time. All that’s left to do is send off my background check, which I’ll be doing tomorrow, sort out my insurance which I’ll probably do closer to the time (I think my bank account needs a bit of a rest before I force more charges upon it), and obviously apply for my visa which I won’t need to do just yet. So I can relax for a little while! 🙂 It was pretty magical getting my “Welcome to the Team” email once I’d uploaded all the documents I’d needed to upload within 30 days of accepting my offer with Disney.

So, where am I going, I hear you ask?

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Cosplay Plans 2016


Hey snowclouds!

I like to try and make a plan of cosplays I’d like to get done this year. It’s something to aim for! These are all the cosplays completed last year:

Of these, only about 4 were planned. Elsa technically doesn’t count as she was completed in 2014, but upgraded in 2015. By upgraded, I mean I made a new skirt, undershirt and cape. I’m still not happy with the costume, unfortunately, and so at some point in future I plan on upgrading further.

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That’s the funny thing about birthdays, they’re kind of an annual thing…


Hey folks!

As you know, I turned 20 on Monday. It was a good day, thanks for asking. So lets talk about birthdays!

Having a birthday just over a week after Christmas means I don’t often get much for it, which isn’t really a bad thing to be honest. The only issue can be not having the knowledge that at some point around the year I might get some money if I need it, as it all comes around the same time as Christmas. Is that a weird thing to have a problem with? I have no idea.

My birthdays have been good. Except my 13th where my mum made me cry after asking her to stop talking about current difficulties we were in, or my 19th when my mum made me cry because my phone’s sat-nav wasn’t cooperating causing us to take every single exit on the same roundabout until we took the right one…I’m making my mum look pretty bad here. They were only minor things on those days, though, so it wasn’t like I wrote off those days completely. 😛

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Disney Cultural Exchange Program – Pre-Screen and Final Interview Experiences


Hey guys!

Since being accepted onto the program I’ve been busy making my travel plans, reserving rooms at hotels and looking at flights. I booked two of my five flights today, because it told me that the really good price was soon to sell out….typically I put in my payment details and…the good price sold out. Struggling to believe it did that within 5 minutes but hey ho. The new price was only $20 more so it wasn’t so bad, until my card was rejected. My bank was concerned as to why my card was being used for flights that did not originate, nor end in the UK. After several attempts I finally got a text from Santander and I confirmed that it was me, so I booked the flight! These were the flights from my first post-program destination to my second destination, there were no direct flights so I’ve had to book connecting flights, which will stress me out but needs must! Once everything is booked I might say where I’m going after my program. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to afford it on top of the program fees/flights to Orlando and back, but my student loan and savings money etc. stretches to it. Means I’ll have to live on less money for the last two terms of this year at uni but it’ll be worth it, I’m sure!

As promised, I’m going to talk about my experiences with the pre-screen and final interviews for the Disney CEP program. If you’re reading this to get an idea of what it might be like when you apply, bear in mind this is for the UK program and so other countries may differ slightly.

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Motivational Monday – Resolutions and the big 2-0

Hello there my young friends!

I don’t know why I just said young friends. Probably because I feel old. Today I turn 20.

Yeah I can hear you all screaming THAT’S NOT OLD?!?!?!?! but I’ve been a teenager for like 6 years and now I’m not. That’s a terrible excuse. I’m just gonna stop.

Happy new year!! This calls for the ULTIMATE GIF DANCE PARTY

Sorry if this has totally crashed your computer. But its awesome, right?

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I’m going to Disneyworld!

Hey everyone!

I have some exciting news, if you hadn’t guessed by the title! I’m going to Disneyworld for summer! Not for a holiday, however, I’m going on the Disney Cultural Exchange Program, so I will be working there from June to August. I can’t actually believe I got in!

I’ll be working in Quick Service Food and Beverage, so any of the cafes/food places that, well, involve quick service. I don’t know which park or what specific eatery I’ll be working in, I won’t actually find out until I get there! I don’t really have a preference if I’m honest – It’ll be my first trip to Disneyworld so anywhere will be awesome! It is slightly terrifying, I mean, I’m going to be working in a huge theme park in summer, one of its busiest times, its not going to be a quiet job! Disney is the leading entertainment company so its daunting to think about living up to their standards, but I’ll try my best. 🙂

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